Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Holidays Around the World: Japan

So, here it is the end of July and I realize I haven't finished sharing with you my Holidays Around the World adventure! How silly of me. Life gets crazy busy sometimes, and that's okay! This will just give us all something to look forward to in a few months! Who doesn't love Disney at Christmastime?!

I realized a little too late that I never stopped to hear about Japan's Christmas traditions. They had a person out telling the story of the Daruma doll and about the customs of the Japanese New Year! The Daruma doll is very important to the new year, as it is a good luck charm! It is a doll with no pupils. It is tradition to make a wish and then paint it's left eye, and if your wish comes true at the end of the year, you paint the right eye!

It sounds cool, yet terrifying all at the same time. LOL!

I'm sad I didn't get any pictures. But I did get this great shot of the cool drum ladies!

And here are some great words to live by! As the Japanese say, "Nana Korobi, ya oki," which means, "Knocked down seven times, get up eight."

Japan had a few specialty food and beverage options at Kabuki Cafe. You could get the grilled Kurobuta pork sausage with pineapple and onions and a delicious Hitachino ginger beer. Kurobuta pork is apparently a highly prized pork from Japan. So all you pork lovers out there- this needs to go on your must-try list!

Gotta use a Disney Food Blog pic since I didn't get my own. Gotta love them!
The holiday merchandise could be found at the Mitsukoshi Department Store. You could get all your favorite Anime merch, Totoro plush, Ghibli merch, kimonos, and even try a sake tasting!

And here is the super cute stamp from Japan. It looks like a little dragon! Aww!

Next stop is The American Adventure! Wee!

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