Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New You.

The new year always brings about resolutions- people wanting to lose weight, be nicer, give more. Everyone makes resolutions, but we rarely stick to them for more than a month. Some people think that making resolutions is a waste of time and stupid because they'll never keep them anyway.

In my opinion, the new year is actually the best time to become a "new you." Sure, making resolutions might seem pointless to some, but it really shouldn't be. The year changes, why shouldn't we? It's obviously going to be a slow process, and it won't happen overnight. However, why can't we take this time when the year becomes new to think of the other ways our life can be new?

We always have things we need to work on and improve, myself included. I've been thinking of ten little things I can improve on, regardless of if I start this month or next. I don't need to stress out if I don't accomplish every little thing every single day, but I do need to keep them in mind and close to my heart as I go through my life this year. I need to focus on a "new me" one little step at a time.

10. Have patience.
I'm literally one of the most impatient people in the world. I run on my own schedule. If I'm waiting on someone and they're "taking too long" in my book, I get super frustrated. I need to improve on my patience so my stress level won't be out the roof.

9. Trust others.
I have terrible trust issues. I want to do everything myself because I don't trust anyone else to do it my way. I need to understand that people won't intentionally screw something up for me. I need to trust that they know what they're doing and they won't purposely let me down.

8. Be more carefree.
I always get uptight and stressed out over the little things. I need to see the beauty in a moment and live it. I have trouble letting myself go, and I need to improve on that.

7. Do something spontaneous.
I literally have every second of every day planned out almost to a T. I need to let myself go and do something completely crazy, something that totally ruins my schedule. And I need to be okay with it.

6. Love my body.
I often times hate my body. And I've made it the way it is! Every weak muscle and bit of fat- it's all been my choice. I have chosen to not eat right. I've chosen to not exercise. I need to give my body more love and care- the kind it deserves.

5. Eat better.
I'm vegetarian, or pescetarian really. Sometimes I use that as an excuse to eat bad things. This restaurant doesn't really have anything to eat so I just eat lots of fries and ice cream. Bad, bad, bad. I need to focus more on my health and my body. There are plenty of good foods out there that I can fix and eat- I just need to not be so lazy about my eating habits!

4. Learn to cook.
I'm not TERRIBLE in the kitchen. I know one or two basics. I just need to make cooking more of a habit and priority. I can't live off fast food and eating out. I can't rely on my parents to make me food forever. I need to focus on this simple necessity of life.

3. Forgive often.
Humans are human, obviously. We all make mistakes. None of us are perfect, no matter how much everyone thinks they are. People have quirks and flaws, and I need to learn to forgive people of those mistakes they make.

2. Improve my relationships.
My relationship with my family, my friends, my fiancé, my Savior- all of those need more focus, care, and attention. I can't be so focused on myself and making myself happy. I need to focus on the needs of those around me, those that love me, and show them the respect and love they deserve.

1. Love more.
I need to love people, love myself, and love God. My live will be absolutely miserable if I can not bring love into my heart.

I don't expect any of this to happen this month. I don't even expect to see full results in 6 months! I just want to focus myself a little at a time and become a new me.

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