Monday, January 6, 2014

Epcot Food & Wine Festival 2013: Brazil

Destination #2: Brazil

Brazil was introduced to the festival in 1996.

There was nothing vegetarian at this kiosk, but there was some seafood. We did not get around to trying it, though.

What we did have was surprisingly good! I was very nervous to try it at first, but I enjoyed it.

Crispy Pork Belly with Black Beans, Onions, Avocado & Cilantro
Frozen Caipirinha ft. LeBlon Cachaça
The words "pork" and "belly" put together sound extremely scary to me. I don't like pork, much less from its belly. I was a good sport and tried it, though. I actually found it quite tasty. It's got kind of a different texture (maybe that's because I don't often eat meat?... I still think the texture was weird, regardless). The beans and the topping were both really good. I ate a lot of those beans. I looove black beans. I'd say the pork belly tasted a lot like some bacon. The frozen caipirinha was extremely delicious. I couldn't stop drinking it! There's nothing like a good frozen beverage before noon ;) It is apparently a Brazilian specialty. Kudos to the Brazilians!

Other food and drinks we did not try:
Seared Scallop with Ragout of Tomatoes, Peppers & Hearts of Palm
Kaiser Brewery, Xingu Black Beer
Carnaval Moscato Sparkling White Wine (why didn't we try this??)

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