Thursday, November 5, 2015

Food & Wine Festival 2015: Poland

The 2nd booth we visited, and the lucky 13th of the trip, was Poland!

Apparently pierogies are a popular food in Poland because both dishes offered at the booth included pierogies! The two dishes you can try in Poland are kielbasa with potato pierogi and carmalized onions topped with sour cream, and sauerkraut pierogi with pork goulash. We tried the kielbasa and potato pierogi. I ate all the pierogies and Ean ate all the kielbasa! I did try a little taste of the kielbasa and it did have very good flavor for a super greasy meat! Ean definitely enjoyed it. I had this dish a few years ago with my mom, and it is just as good as I remembered it. Ean tasted the potato pierogi and liked it, but definitely loved the kielbasa better. We shared the caramelized onions, and they were delicious, of course. Caramelized onions always are!

Poland had three drink options, one of which looked very good. They had Okocim Brewery Okocim O.K. beer, Donausonne Blaufraenkish Hungarian wine, and a frozen szarlotka. The frozen szarlotka was the tasty looking one! It's apparently a frozen "apple pie" and it was made with zubrowka bison grass vodka. Sounds interesting. It looked like it would be a sweet and tasty drink!

The area that Poland was located in is one of my favorite parts of the World Showcase. It was right between Germany and Italy. The area is never crowded, and it is a wonderful place to sit and look out on the Showcase Lagoon. Plus there is a super cute little "German town" in the area that's always fun to look at.

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