Sunday, November 15, 2015

Food & Wine Festival 2015: Brazil

As our journey around the World Showcase continued, we needed something savory to have after our little sweet treat (not sure why we were in such a mood for savory food and not really for sweet... normally it is the other way around for me!).

We decided to stop in at Brazil. That made this our 16th stop of the trip, and the 5th of the day.

Brazil had some interesting cuisine. We tried the pao de queijo, which is Brazilian cheese bread. It tasted very wonderful, but the texture started to feel funny to the mouth after a few bites. It had a very wonderful flavor, however, the cheese just had a weird consistency. Though I was still a little hungry, I couldn't finish my little roll cause the chewy cheese felt weird in my mouth. It was disappointing, too, because it tasted so good.

The booth also offered crispy pork belly with black beans and tomato, which I tried when I went with my mom in 2013, escondidinho de carne, which is a layered meat pie with mashed yucca (not sure what yucca is... put it looked almost like mashed potatoes, so I'm sure it was good), and cocada, which is Brazilian coconut candy.

The drinks looked very tasty, too. They had Kaiser brewery Xingu black beer, Carnaval Moscato sparkling white wine, and frozen Caipirinha featuring LeBlon Cachaca. I had the Caipirinha with my mom before, and it was good. She told me I needed to get it again, and I almost did! But I knew I was about to get the one alcoholic drink I was SO looking forward to, and I didn't really want to get two alcoholic beverages in a row!

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