Happy Halloween, everyone!! In honor of one of my favorite holidays, I've decided to share with you our experience at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!
Ean and I went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party (MNSSHP as I'll refer to it from now on) on Tuesday, October 13, during our anniversary trip. It was our last big hoorah before we left on Wednesday morning. We almost didn't go because we wanted to save up money to go to the Very Merry Christmas Party when we go to Disney in December. We did that last year and loved it. Ean has never done the MNSSHP, so he didn't know what to expect. Since he's done the Christmas party and loved it, we knew we wanted to do that for sure again. I did MNSSHP several times when I was younger with my family. It was always fun, but I knew that I loved the Christmas party more. However, a little over a week before we left, we decided the Halloween party was a must-do.
And I'm so glad we did!
We spent the morning in Magic Kingdom, then hit up Epcot one more time to get in a few more Food & Wine Festival eats, then headed back to our hotel to get ready for the party. I dressed up as a girl Darth Vader, and Ean was Captain America. It was a humid night so my hands were sweating like crazy in my gloves, and Ean was burning up in the Captain America suit, but I'm super glad we dressed up.
We made it to the park at about 6:30, and the party officially started at 7. We went to Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe for dinner and to formulate a plan for the evening. Our plan ended up working out perfectly, and we got to do everything we wanted.
Beautiful view of the Halloween Castle! |
Main Street was all orange! |
We started out by going trick-or-treating at all their treat locations. I know it sounds super childish that a young married couple in their 20's would dress up and go trick-or-treating, but there were SO MANY kids at heart there just like us. I promise you we weren't the only adults in costume getting free candy.
All the candy locations were marked with a big lighted Mickey pumpkin lantern. There were 15 locations in total. They were all listed in our party guide map, so we knew exactly where to go.
One of the treat locations' lantern. |
Since we started with the candy, and most everyone else was doing the same, we had to stand in some long lines at times. They all went really quick, though. The cast members were really efficient in getting everyone through the line and quickly as possible. Since we were in Tomorrowland for dinner, we just started with the 4 Tomorrowland treat locations- Tomorrowland Speedway, Space Mountain, Carousel of Progress, and Stitch's Great Escape. They had the Carousel of Progress and Stitch's Great Escape closed down because the treat line went through the line of both those attractions.
After that we headed to Adventureland- Jungle Cruise (also closed during the party), the Tiki Room (which had two candy locations, one in the queue and one inside the attraction, where they had all the birds "alive" and singing), and at Pirates of the Caribbean.
After Adventureland, we hit up the candy stations at Frontierland, located outside of Splash Mountian and on the deck to Tom Sawyer Island. We then headed over to Liberty Square where they had a station set up on the dock next to the Liberty Square Riverboat.
From Liberty Square we walked over to Fantasyland to get the last few stations, located by Peter Pan's Flight, next to Under the Sea~ Journey of the Little Mermaid, and at Pete's Silly Sideshow (where characters are normally located). There was a Fantasyland treat trail that started in the Storybook Circus section of Fantasyland and connected to Tomorrowland. They had several different stations set up on that trail.
After completely filling our bags, we sat down for a rest in Tomorrowland to inspect the goodies and have a bite or two! You always gotta check out the loot after a successful trick-or-treating event!
While going around collecting treats, we saw so many character meet and greets happening with characters that are not normally out. We saw characters like Jafar and Jack Skellington, as well as classic Disney characters in their Halloween costumes. It would have been awesome to stop for a photo, but the meet and greets just didn't fit into our schedule for the evening. After all, we only had 5 hours to fit everything in!
Ean and I decided that we would head over to Storybook Treats in Fantasyland for a super special candy corn soft serve ice cream cone. It was a good choice, because it was delicious! It was just vanilla ice cream, but it was orange and white stripped. And the cone was filled with candy corn at the bottom! We both agreed that the treat was super tasty, but having the candy corn in the cone wasn't very practical. We both almost lost our ice cream while licking it, because it didn't have a firm base of ice cream in the cone. We were pleased, nonetheless.
Cute German costumes in the background. |
Over at the castle stage, they had a new Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular show going on at 8pm, 9:20pm, 10:40pm, and 12am. It was a little after 9:20 when we finished our ice cream, so we headed over to the castle to catch the end of the show. Our plan was to view the 10:40 one, but this ended up working out much better for us. I couldn't really see it because I'm super short and everyone's kids were on their shoulders, but it was fine. I saw enough and I loved it. Hocus Pocus is my favorite Halloween movie!
Pretty decent view of the stage! |
We were standing at the side of the castle, to the left if you're looking at it from the front. We were actually in a really good spot. Once the Hocus Pocus Spelltacular show ended, the crowd broke up a bit, and we were able to move closer to the castle so we could see the Celebrate the Magic show at 9:45. Celebrate the Magic is played on normal days as well. It wasn't a special party thing, but we've never seen it all the way through, and at such a good location, so we figured this was the perfect time. Celebrate the Magic is where they transform the Cinderella Castle into a "canvas of color" as they describe it. It's actually quite amazing and beautiful!

After Celebrate the Magic was the Happy Hallowishes firework show at 10. The normal firework show at Disney World is called Wishes, and they so cleverly titled this Happy Hallowishes in honor of that. Cute so cute. Happy Hallowishes was so good! Disney never fails to produce an amazing firework show. They're always incredible. This one was filled with lots of spooky Halloween tunes and darker colored fireworks and projections on the castle, like green, blue, and purple, complete with ghosts and pumpkins.
Once Hallowishes was over, Ean and I decided to run over and do the Haunted Mansion before the parade. Turns out everyone had the same idea. There was a 5 minute wait as we were approaching the attraction, but it quickly jumped to 25 minutes right when we got in line. It didn't take but maybe 10 minutes go get through the line, but right as we got on the ride and were barely even into the attraction, it got stopped. We still don't know why, but we sat there stopped for nearly 20 minutes. I was getting very anxious because I was afraid we'd miss the parade at 11:15! We ended up getting through with just enough time to find a parade spot, and we got a free fastpass that we were unable to use since we were leaving the next day.
We chose a pretty good spot to view the parade, kind of between The Diamond Horseshoe and Liberty Tree Tavern. The parade was coming towards us from the left (like from Frontierland going towards Fantasyland) which was perfect for us. We had a row of people in front of us, but where I was positioned, I could easily view the parade and take pictures while looking to the left because there were a bunch of strollers on the front row that way. There were many tall humans if I was looking to my right!
The parade was super cute. It's nearly the same as what I'd seen before years ago, but that doesn't matter. Disney's parades are always wonderful! I have the "Boo to You" song forever stuck in my head now, though! But that's okay. It's a price I'm willing to pay! I really love Goofy's candy float. It's probably my favorite!
MNSSHP overall was absolutely wonderful. We got in everything we wanted to do, saw everything we wanted to see, and rode the one ride we thought would be super appropriate for the night. Will we do this again next year? Absolutely! Everything was wonderful. They gave out amazing candy (and lots of it), offered lots of good food and sweet treats, it wasn't overwhelmingly crowded, the shows were all amazing- everything was just wonderful!
Room mirror selfie! |